A Bubbleista Champagne Pop-Up: “Champagne & Crustaceans”

  Okay, raise your hand if you have ever been intimidated by wine…? Yep, I’m sure almost all of you reading this have been! I mean, at one point or another most of us have found ourselves staring at a wine list; at a dinner party or event with several courses paired with several different wines; or […]

I’m Seeing Red! Amazing Sparkling Red Wines

Cantina della Volta Lambrusco

As the self-dubbed “Champagne Evangelist” it is no surprise that I absolutely love, love, LOVE champagne, but the real deal is that I am crazy about almost anything that’s effervescent. Yep, if it’s got bubbles, then 9 times out of 10 I’m ’bout it–or at least down to try it! Because of that I’m always on a […]

A Rare and Special 2019: Champagne Salmon Special Club Bubbleista Wine Review

For that last several weeks I’ve been hearing the same words repeatedly ringing in my head whenever I began to think about 2019 in any capacity: Be intentional…be intentional…be intentional… No matter what aspect of the new year I was thinking about, those words kept coming back. So when I asked the hubs which #champagne he […]

“Conversations With Claire” & Fashion Bomb Daily Houston Event Recap & Top 10 Biz Lessons Learned

If you read my post title and thought to yourself “Who Is Claire?” then that means you, my dear, are late to the game when it comes to knowing who some of the biggest movers, shakers, influencers, and self-made biz successes are in the fashion game! Journalist Claire Sulmers is the Founder & CEO of Fashion […]

What’s Poppin’ In 2017: Expect Bubbleista Land Fun In The New Year

What’s poppin’, my bubbly lovers! Welcome to 2017! Whether your 2016 was glorious or, well, less than so, there’s one undeniable fact: you made it through to see a new year. In addition to a brand new 365 days, guess what else there is to celebrate? It’s my 2-year BLOG-A-VERSARY! That’s right, on January 5, 2014, […]

Vive La Rebellion! A Bubbly “Coupe” d’état: 7 Fabulous & Chic Champagne Coupes

I once told a friend of mine that I consider myself a peculiar kind of rebel. You know what I’m talking about: that one person who shows up “looking out of place” to the “Save the Whales” rally wearing an absolutely adorable sundress; hair in a neat little top knot; wearing those cute Longchamp sandals picked […]

Throwback/Flashback: That Time The Bubbleista was a Finalist in Beringer Wines “Great Steak Challenge” Cooking Competition

I know what you’re thinking: “What? The Bubbleista…cooks?” Yes darlings, it’s true–this girl can really rock it in the kitchen. You didn’t think all I did was sip bubbly, did you? {wink} Here’s a bit of the backstory: my mother taught me how to cook, and I loved it right from the start. I had […]

15 Fabulous Champagne-centric Instagram Accounts You Must Follow Now

Whether it’s Moet Monday; Taittinger Tuesday;  Wine Wednesday; Thirsty Thursday; Fizzy Friday; Sipping Saturday; or Champagne Sundays {detecting a pattern here?}, everyday is the perfect day to drink bubbly in The Bubbleista’s book! Because I’m #ChampagneObsessed, I follow a ton of champagne-centric brands and feeds on Instagram in my quest to live #AnEfervescentLifestyle. Instagram is definitely […]

Will Travel For Champagne: A Night of Champagne With The “Nuit du Champagne” Tour

What do you do when you’re a staunch believer in, and advocate of, the philosophy of convincing more people that they should be drinking more champagne more often? If you’re The Bubbleista you get wine education and certification; host champagne tastings; drink bubbly every week {strictly for learning purposes, of course}; write blog posts about champagne and […]

Wine Wednesday: Ask the Bubbleista!

I get questions about champagne all the time–in my inbox; via social media; over text message; and even in person. It happens all. the. time. “How do I open a bottle of bubbly without spraying champers everywhere?” “Isn’t all champagne the same?” “What kind of bubbly is the best for making mimosas?” “How do I […]

Fizz Friday Fab Four Links Roundup

Happy #FizzFriday, darlings! Check out this week’s links round-up with the latest and great info, tidbits, and fun going on in the world of champagne and sparkling wine! {1} Italian Police Uncover Counterfeit Champagne Scheme Champagne Industry Rule no. 4080, Champagne counterfeiters are shaaaadddyyyy {classic hip-hop lovers will get that reference}. This story is proof positive […]

The Bubbleista Lifestyle: Are You a Bubbleista?

**For the month of January I’ll be re-publishing some of my most popular post from 2015 to celebrate my 1-year blogaversary. Enjoy!* So you’re chugging right along, reading The Bubbleista blog posts, taking it all in, when all of a sudden you say to yourself: “Wait a minute. What exactly is a ‘Bubbleista’ anyway?” Well my […]

“Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic” art exhibit Sunday Brunch Soirée Hosted by Afro Bohemian Snob and The Bubbleista

The Bubbleista co-hosted an event with Afro Bohemian Snob in September, and it was only the first of many fabulous events to come! We held a Sunday Brunch soiree at The Modern Museum in celebration of the opening of the exhibit Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic, and needless to say it was simply spectacular. After all, what else would you […]

Fizz Friday Prosecco Facts & Find: Cavicchioli 1928

Hello bubbly lovers! Today’s Fizz Friday post is a bit of a mashup between a Fizz Friday link round-up and a Fizz Friday Find by combining the 2 into 1 Prosecco post…a bubbly hybrid, if you will. The lone round-up link comes to us from one of my favorite reads, the champagne and sparkling wine bi-monthly magazine known […]

Motivation Monday: Try a Little Gratefulness

Hello, my bubbly loving darlings. I’m writing this post immediately after the Kehinde Wiley brunch I told you about that I co-hosted with Afro Bohemian Snob {full recap coming soon} and I am EX. HAUS. TED. My head is pounding; my feet ache; my eyes are burning; my brain is worn out; I’m sleepy; and on top of […]

Fizz Friday: Champagne Collet Demi-Sec

Today’s Fizz Friday find is from a small champagne cooperative discovered at a recent tasting that I just fell in love with: Champagne Collet Demi-Sec. Now Champagne Collet is not to be confused with Real Housewife of Orange County star Heather Dubrow’s Colette Brut. Heather’s Colette is a sparkling wine made in Napa Valley in […]

Monday Mea Culpa…Well, Sort Of

Soooo…you may have noticed that the posts on the site have been a bit, well, “skimpy” for the last few weeks. A post here…another there…no real sense of normal regularity. In fact, I’m sure some of you have recently come to the site for your regular, weekly, scheduled dose of “fab fizziness” only to end up thinking “Hey…what’s […]

Welcome to The Bubbleista’s New “Fizz Friday” Series!

Welcome to “Fizz Friday,” a new post series focused on the fizzy goodness you and I both love: champagne and sparkling wine. Beginning today, and most Fridays thereafter, I plan to focus posts on my champagne and sparkling wines discoveries and tasting notes; champagne cocktail recipes {both my original concoctions and some I’ve discovered}; interesting tidbits in the world of bubbly; […]

Birth of a Bubbleista

So you’re chugging right along, reading The Bubbleista blog posts, taking it all in, when all of a sudden you say to yourself: “Wait a minute. What exactly is a ‘Bubbleista’ anyway?” Well my dear, I’m glad you asked. It’s actually a term I made up just joking around in 2009. I came up with […]