The Bubbleista’s Life Edicts:
I believe… …in diligently honing “The Art of Joie de Vivre” and discovering ways to practice it in every facet of life. …that if you’re not going to make the effort to throw a party that’s a memorable and lovely affair, why bother? …that dining alfresco is one of our inalienable rights. …that secondhand should sometimes be your first-choice. …a zeal for traveling makes you totally sexy. …aesthetics are everything. …that just like in design, textures and layers in relationships always make things more interesting. …in crafting experiences that compel the use of words like “sumptuous,” “copious,” and “exquisite,” to describe them because they’re the only ones that will do justice. …if you can’t outdo the competition you should at least outdress them. …in challenging the food status quo. …that when in doubt add color, both physically and metaphorically. …in making lollygagging appointments; indulging in frivolous kibitzing; and imparting whimsy when it’s least expected, but most needed.
And lastly, the Bubbleista believes that nothing can soothe the soul, mend the heart, sharpen the senses, increase the joie, or acknowledge the moment like a good glass of bubbly.