It’s National Sauvignon Blanc Day!

WOW, y’all–I hadn’t realized how long it’s been since I’ve posted on my blog! Thank for hanging in there with me though because, trust me. I’m doing A. TON. of things behind the scenes right now both on the lawyer front {you do still remember that I’m a trademarks, branding, and business attorney for entrepreneurs, […]

The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Holiday Gift Guide: Volume V

In typing this title for this year’s annual post it just hit me: I’ve been doing “The Ultimate Gift Guide for Champagne Lovers” for 5 years…FIVE. WHOLE. YEARS! For the last 5 consecutive years, I have searched high and low to find twelve (in a nod to the 12 Days of Christmas) exciting, exquisite, enchantingly effervescent champagne-oriented […]

“Fizz It!” or “Forget It!” Wine Reviews: “Cuvée Cartier” Rosé Brut Champagne by Vranken

Cartier Champagne and peonies

Welcome to a brand spankin’ new blog series call “Fizz it or Forget it!” where I do champagne and sparkling wine reviews designed give you, my sweet and darling bubbly lovers, recommendations designed to help you decide whether or not you should try that bottle of champagne you’ve been curious about. Having said that, if there’s a bottle […]

The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Holiday Gift Guide Volume IV

Happy Holidays to my #BubbleistaChampagneSquad and bubbly lovers around the world! It’s December, so you know what time it is: time for my annual ultimate gift guide for champagne lovers! Every year I choose 12 fantastic gifts–a nod to the Twelve Days of Christmas– and create the ultimate gift guide for those of us who are […]

“Conversations With Claire” & Fashion Bomb Daily Houston Event Recap & Top 10 Biz Lessons Learned

If you read my post title and thought to yourself “Who Is Claire?” then that means you, my dear, are late to the game when it comes to knowing who some of the biggest movers, shakers, influencers, and self-made biz successes are in the fashion game! Journalist Claire Sulmers is the Founder & CEO of Fashion […]

The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Gift Guide Volume III

The holidays are upon us bubbly lovers, so you know what that means… Time for another fabulous edition of The Bubbleista’s “THE ULTIMATE CHAMPAGNE LOVERS GIFT GUIDE!” Created by your favorite champagne super fan, enthusiast, aficionado, and educator—yours truly, of course—I am bestowing upon the world my 3rd edition gift list of the most spectacular gifts for those who absolutely adore all things bubbly! And, as […]

Effervescent Lifestyle Tips: Wardrobe Essentials for What to Wear to Food & Wine Festivals

Coachella has come and gone and that means one thing: spring and summer Festival Season is here! Yep, I love, love, l-o-v-e a good fest, and it should come as no surprise that I especially love the ones that are food, champagne, and wine-centric. Quite a few of them will be occurring over the course of the next […]

Effervescent Travels: Altra Winery in Napa

I am feeling a bit wistful. This time last year I was preparing to embark on a marvelous week-long visit to Napa, California and I was absolutely giddy with excitement. It was a girls trip–I was traveling with one of my wine-loving girlfriends, and the plan was to experience as much relaxation and wine country […]

The Year of The Rooster: 8 Ways to Fabulously Celebrate Chinese New Year All Yearlong

Happy Lunar New Year, Year of the Rooster, bubbly lovers! It’s time to celebrate Chinese New Year, but it should come as no surprise that in #BubbleistaLand we’ll be commemorating it in our own special fashion. There are several traditions that are observed in honor of the Lunar New Year such as New Year’s Eve Dinner and […]

What’s Poppin’ In 2017: Expect Bubbleista Land Fun In The New Year

What’s poppin’, my bubbly lovers! Welcome to 2017! Whether your 2016 was glorious or, well, less than so, there’s one undeniable fact: you made it through to see a new year. In addition to a brand new 365 days, guess what else there is to celebrate? It’s my 2-year BLOG-A-VERSARY! That’s right, on January 5, 2014, […]

The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Gift Guide Volume II

  IIIIIIIII’m dreaming of a buuuuu-bbly Christmas…and I bet you are {or someone you love is!} dreaming of one, too. Well, my loves, The Bubbleista to the rescue to help you achieve all your Christmas dreams! Last year I created what I dubbed as  my Christmas gift to you, “The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Gift Guide,” where I […]

Fizz Friday: Gloria Ferrer “Glorious Bites” Appetizer Challenge reacap

Hello, my bubbly loving peeps! If you’ve been keeping up with me the last couple of weeks the you know I was selected as one of six regional semi-finalist for the Gloria Ferrer Winery “Glorious Bites” Appetizer Challenge. The event was held in Austin, Texas 2 weeks ago and it was truly a wonderful experience! Here are all six of […]

Babies, Breezes, Birthdays, and (Glorious) Bites: What A Fabulous September

September is one of the best months of the year in my {un}humble opinion. It’s still technically summer, but the weather has cooled a bit. The flow of energy shifts a little to a less hectic pace as things wind down. And with the impending changing of the season, the atmosphere itself just seems to […]

Throwback/Flashback: That Time The Bubbleista was a Finalist in Beringer Wines “Great Steak Challenge” Cooking Competition

I know what you’re thinking: “What? The Bubbleista…cooks?” Yes darlings, it’s true–this girl can really rock it in the kitchen. You didn’t think all I did was sip bubbly, did you? {wink} Here’s a bit of the backstory: my mother taught me how to cook, and I loved it right from the start. I had […]

15 Fabulous Champagne-centric Instagram Accounts You Must Follow Now

Whether it’s Moet Monday; Taittinger Tuesday;  Wine Wednesday; Thirsty Thursday; Fizzy Friday; Sipping Saturday; or Champagne Sundays {detecting a pattern here?}, everyday is the perfect day to drink bubbly in The Bubbleista’s book! Because I’m #ChampagneObsessed, I follow a ton of champagne-centric brands and feeds on Instagram in my quest to live #AnEfervescentLifestyle. Instagram is definitely […]


*Original article written by Davon D. E. Hatchett {that’s me!} published on prior to the release of #LEMONADE. Blavity is a community of the best multi-cultural creators and influencers in the world.*   Who needs an MBA from B-School when you can get an education from “Bey-School” instead? In case you haven’t fully grasped the […]

Wine Wednesday: Ask the Bubbleista!

I get questions about champagne all the time–in my inbox; via social media; over text message; and even in person. It happens all. the. time. “How do I open a bottle of bubbly without spraying champers everywhere?” “Isn’t all champagne the same?” “What kind of bubbly is the best for making mimosas?” “How do I […]

Maverick Monday: The 7 Secret Business Lessons from Beyoncé’s Formation Video

*Today’s Maverick Monday post is being brought to you by my alter ego, the Principal Attorney of “Creative Counselor at Law,” a Boutique Trademarks law, Branding, and Business law firm for creative entrepreneurs and business visionaries. Yep, The Bubbleista is also a lawyer.* Unless you live in a cave in the Antarctic; have sequestered yourself […]

Effervescent Musings: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

 **For the month of January I’ll be re-publishing some of my most popular posts from 2015 to celebrate my 1-year blogaversary. Enjoy this Monday Motivation repost!* Beyonce’s oft quoted lyric “I woke up like this” took on new meaning for me when I woke up one morning recently in a very unhappy, disgruntled, discontented mood. Nope, this […]

The Bubbleista Lifestyle: Are You a Bubbleista?

**For the month of January I’ll be re-publishing some of my most popular post from 2015 to celebrate my 1-year blogaversary. Enjoy!* So you’re chugging right along, reading The Bubbleista blog posts, taking it all in, when all of a sudden you say to yourself: “Wait a minute. What exactly is a ‘Bubbleista’ anyway?” Well my […]