Âme Restaurant Dallas: French “Soul” Meets Chic Indian Cuisine

FACT: I had THE best Indian food and meal of my life at a small, family-owned restaurant in London, England in 2004. FACT: part of that meal included a ceramic pot of tandoori fish curry that was so incredible that my brother and I STILL wax poetically about it to this day. FACT: I think I […]

What in the World is The Bubbleista Drinking: “Sang et Fleurs” (Blood & Roses) Champagne Cocktail

If you follow me on Instagram you’ve probably seen my What in the World is The Bubbleista Drinking?!” {#WITWITBD} microblogging posts detailing the deliciousness that I’ve discovered (and am imbibing) while out and about at bars ad restaurants that I think you, my beloved bubbly-loving darlings, will adore sipping as well. Well, you know, I […]

St. Paddy’s Day Sip: The “Emerald Isle Fizz” Champagne Cocktail

    St. Patrick’s Day is quickly approaching which means it’s time to break out the three-leaf clovers, leprechauns, corned beef & cabbage, pots of gold, and green beer! *record scratch* Green beer? Listen, it’s a well known fact that I love all things effervescent, but if I must drink green fizz to celebrate an […]

What Are You Drinking New Year’s Eve: 15 Bubbly Picks to Ring in the New Year

*singing* What are you doing Neeeeewwwww Yeeeeeeear’s Eve… Well if you’re as obsessed with sparkling wine as I am, what you’ll be doing is planning to drink copious amounts of bubbly! You know that I am a huge believer in drinking champagne every day, for no special reason at all, but there’s no escaping the fact […]

Flashback Friday + Fizzy Friday: “Twas The Night Before Christmas” The Champagne Remix

Embed from Getty Images ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, The Bubbleista was trying not to wake up her spouse. I hung all the stockings by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas would put champagne in there. I knew it was time to get all snug in my bed; But visions […]

A Fizzy Friday Flashback: ABS “Picking The Right Sparkling Wine” Video

Happy #FizzyFriday, darlings! Today’s post is a Flashback Friday special that’s all about fizz {no surprise there!}, and is just in time for the holidays! Two years ago I had the privilege of being asked to partner with the fabulous brand and business Afro Bohemian Snob and give my sparkling wine and champagne picks that are perfect […]

Fab Four for Fizzy Friday: The Best Champagne-centric Links for September 2016

Welcome to the latest edition of Fab Four for Friday where I give you the best and most interesting tidbits of news and inspiration from the world of champagne and sparkling wine! As per usual I have spent the last few weeks scouring the *internets* to provide you with awesome links perfect for your weekend reading, […]

Vive La Rebellion! A Bubbly “Coupe” d’état: 7 Fabulous & Chic Champagne Coupes

I once told a friend of mine that I consider myself a peculiar kind of rebel. You know what I’m talking about: that one person who shows up “looking out of place” to the “Save the Whales” rally wearing an absolutely adorable sundress; hair in a neat little top knot; wearing those cute Longchamp sandals picked […]

What’s the Fig Deal? Figs, Fizz, and a Fab New Adventure

Greetings, bubble lovers! Things have been busy on a personal front over here in #BubbleistaLand. One of the biggest changes is that Mr. Bubbleista and I recently moved into a lovely, updated 1960’s abode that was absolutely built for entertaining {perfect for a effervescent-lifestyle living Bubbleista!}. Housed on a corner lot at the beginning of a quiet […]

Fizzy Friday Fab Four Links Round-up: July Champagne & Food News Edition

Is it just me, or does the intensity to eat and drink well intensify during the summer? I chalk it up to the fact that people are generally feeling more social and convivial during the warmer months. After all, with all of the hanging out pool side; summer holidays; picnics; celebrations; and gatherings, food and […]

Independence Day, the Remix: Host a French-Inspired Bastille Day Party

Didn’t get your party on quite enough in celebrating the red, white and blue? How about celebrating the bleu, blanc, and rouge as a festive reprise? Although we Americans certainly know how to revel in our Independence Day festivities, the French aren’t too shabby in hosting their own independence holiday festivities called Bastille Day. It […]

15 Fabulous Champagne-centric Instagram Accounts You Must Follow Now

Whether it’s Moet Monday; Taittinger Tuesday;  Wine Wednesday; Thirsty Thursday; Fizzy Friday; Sipping Saturday; or Champagne Sundays {detecting a pattern here?}, everyday is the perfect day to drink bubbly in The Bubbleista’s book! Because I’m #ChampagneObsessed, I follow a ton of champagne-centric brands and feeds on Instagram in my quest to live #AnEfervescentLifestyle. Instagram is definitely […]

Fab Four For Friday Links Round-up: Champagne on Ice Edition

Just in time for your Fourth of July holiday grilling activities are some “hot links” {Get it? Hot links? People barbecue for the 4th? Ah hell, never mind.} for your long weekend reading pleasure. I just made a post on Instagram this week about trying Moet Ice Impérial for the very first time and then, as kismet […]

“Sugah” & Champagne: Bubbly and Donut Pairings for National Donut Day

**Thanks to National Donut day always being honored on the 1st Friday of June, it will always fall on a Fizz Friday! Check out my re-post from 2015! So what do you do when #NationalDonutDay {or #NationalDoughnutDay} falls on a #FizzFriday? If you’re The Bubbleista you effortlessly combine the two and do a champagne and doughnut […]

Wine Wednesday: Ask the Bubbleista!

I get questions about champagne all the time–in my inbox; via social media; over text message; and even in person. It happens all. the. time. “How do I open a bottle of bubbly without spraying champers everywhere?” “Isn’t all champagne the same?” “What kind of bubbly is the best for making mimosas?” “How do I […]

Fizz Friday Fab Four Links Roundup

Happy #FizzFriday, darlings! Check out this week’s links round-up with the latest and great info, tidbits, and fun going on in the world of champagne and sparkling wine! {1} Italian Police Uncover Counterfeit Champagne Scheme Champagne Industry Rule no. 4080, Champagne counterfeiters are shaaaadddyyyy {classic hip-hop lovers will get that reference}. This story is proof positive […]

Bottles Over Bouquets: Give Your Valentine a Dozen Rosés

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and all over the world florists are in full-on hustle mode trying to fulfill the quadrillion orders for floral arrangements that are being placed ’round the clock. This holds especially requests for the quintessential bouquets of pink and red roses, color that quintessentially say “Valentine’s. You know what I […]

Effervescent Musings: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

 **For the month of January I’ll be re-publishing some of my most popular posts from 2015 to celebrate my 1-year blogaversary. Enjoy this Monday Motivation repost!* Beyonce’s oft quoted lyric “I woke up like this” took on new meaning for me when I woke up one morning recently in a very unhappy, disgruntled, discontented mood. Nope, this […]

The Bubbleista Lifestyle: Are You a Bubbleista?

**For the month of January I’ll be re-publishing some of my most popular post from 2015 to celebrate my 1-year blogaversary. Enjoy!* So you’re chugging right along, reading The Bubbleista blog posts, taking it all in, when all of a sudden you say to yourself: “Wait a minute. What exactly is a ‘Bubbleista’ anyway?” Well my […]

2015 Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic Recap

After having scheduling conflicts for the last 2 years, I was finally able to attend one of the two Veuve Clicquot Polo Classics the Champagne House hosts each year and, as promised, here is the lovely recap. Read on to get the skinny on the event details! Veuve hosts one polo classic event each on the East […]