Bubbleista Effervescent Education: The Art of Pairing Champagne and Foods

Photo of 3 bottles of champagne with books

Hey bubbly lovers, it’s time to dive into another lesson from the Bubbleista’s  Effervescent Education series! For today’s #ChampagneTedTalk we going to have a mini lesson with tips on how to *best* pair champagne with food! You ready? Let’s go! I’m sure you guys have heard this pairing advice before: “Champagne goes with everything!“ While […]

A Bubbleista Champagne Pop-Up: “Champagne & Crustaceans”

  Okay, raise your hand if you have ever been intimidated by wine…? Yep, I’m sure almost all of you reading this have been! I mean, at one point or another most of us have found ourselves staring at a wine list; at a dinner party or event with several courses paired with several different wines; or […]

Bottles Over Bouquets: Give Your Valentine a Dozen Rosés

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and all over the world florists are in full-on hustle mode trying to fulfill the quadrillion orders for floral arrangements that are being placed ’round the clock. This holds especially requests for the quintessential bouquets of pink and red roses, color that quintessentially say “Valentine’s. You know what I […]