How to Pair It: 4 Tips for Perfectly Pairing Champagne + Sushi

As a general edict, champagne is often touted as the wine that pairs with almost everything. While that’s certainly true, the real flex is the realization that certain champagnes pair better with some foods than others, depending on that bubbly’s style. Those in the champagne know realize that by exploring and leveraging this concept they can elevate their […]

How to Pair It: Champagne + French Fries for National French Fry Day

Time for another edition of #HowToPairIt–and, in honor of National French Fry Day on July 13th, today we’re talking fab Champagne + Fries pairings! I’m one of those people who L-O-V-E-S fries of ALL kinds and varieties: steak fries, crinkle cut fries, frites/skinny fries, poutine fries, sweet potato fries, virtually whatever kind of *French fry* it may […]

The Sparkling Wines of Rioja

Ready for some #EffervescentEducation, my bubbly lovers! Let’s talk Rioja sparkling wine! Let me guess: right now you’re saying “Wait, Davon—bubbly from the heart of Tempranillo wine country?” If you’ve never heard of sparklers from Rioja before that’s probably because the region only officially authorized the DOCa (Denominación de Origen Calificada) for sparkling wine in […]

Be a Caviar Rockstar: a How-To Guide for Enjoying and Entertaining With Caviar

Caviar, once considered a delicacy reserved only for the rich and famous, is now much more ubiquitously celebrated, thanks largely in part to—you probably guessed it—the internet. Those buttery beads of briny deliciousness are currently having a major food trend moment, and it’s one that lovers of culinary decadence definitely shouldn’t miss out on. Excited about joining in on this fab […]

How to Pair It: Pimento Cheese Sandwich & Cabernet Sauvignon

If the book “Big Macs and Burgundy” showed people anything, it’s that wine deserves to be partnered with every day, simple foods and snacks just as much as it does with gourmet foods and meals. That means as a long time advocate and proponent of that very ideology, I’m always up for experimenting when it […]

What To Pair With It: the Champagne Snack Board

Y’all, when I posted my #champagnesnackboard last week, I had NO IDEA that it was going to be so well received! Thank you, my spectacular bubbly lovers, for All the comments, shares, and saves, and showing my post ALL the love! As a show of appreciation, I just had to circle back with some great […]

Untamed Wine Estates in Texas Wine Country

I’ve got a brand new  #TexasWineCountry wine experience review for y’all: Untamed Wine Estates in Hye/Fredericksburg, TX! Opened just over a year ago in May 2021 @untamedwines was launched by married couple Mckenzie Sanvido and Dane Sanvido Owner, General Manager, and Winemaker Dane is from South Africa but has developed his winemaking skills from all over […]

The Art of The Perfect Charcuterie Board: How to Create Incredible Platters With My “5S + 5C” Secret Formula

Create Gorgeous Platters With My “5S + 5C” Secret Formula **check out these excerpts from the digital article I wrote for Sweet July Magazine published in June entitled “Get On Board: The ABCs Of Creating Perfect Charcuterie Platters” While charcuterie has long been part of the “entertaining with food” conversation, its popularity exploded during the […]

5 Great Lessons Learned from a Less Than Optimal Champagne Sipping Experience

After quite a bit of a hiatus, look who’s back at the helm of her blog, y’all! I’m finally circling back with the review I promised from an IG post from a couple of weeks ago about my recent less than optimal experience with the 2008 Le Brun de Neuville Grand Vintage! So, first things first: this […]

The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Holiday Gift Guide 2021: Volume VI

It’s the most wonderful time of the year–gift giving season!–and that means your favorite champagne lover’s MOST favorite champagne lover is B-A-C-K! That’s right, The Bubbleista is back with what you’ve been waiting for: Volume no. 6 of “The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Holiday Gift Guide!” This year’s list has 30+ items ringing at a total minimum value […]

Wines For Your Holiday Table: Pinot Blanc

I’m on my “wines for the holiday table” kick, so I wanted to circle back to one I talked about earlier this summer, Pinot Blanc—particularly from Alsace—in hopes of inspiring you to shake things up and add it to your wine rotation this holiday season! Alsatian PB is a fantastic, versatile, wallet friendly, and highly […]

It’s National Oyster Day: The Best Wine + Oyster Pairings Ideas

best wine and oyster pairings

Awww, shucks, y’all—it’s National Oyster Day! {You see what I did there?} Better still is that it was also National White Wine Day a couple of days ago, and that got me to thinking about wine and oyster pairings, and one of the oft-purported, traditional, quintessential pairings for freshly shucked, briny, raw oysters is, of […]

Bubbleista Wine Review: Champagne Paul Bara Grand Rosé

Champagne Paul Bara

Just in time for #NationalRoseDay this Friday, June 11th, here’s a #BubbleistaWineReview for @champagne_paul_bara “Grand Rosé!” Allow me to just cut right to the chase though, y’all: without question, Paul Bara makes some of the most exquisitely spectacular, beautiful, bold, full, nuanced, finessed wines in the Champagne region. Full stop. Let’s get into it, bubbly […]

Chard So Hard: Celebrate International Chardonnay Day Blanc de Blancs Champagne Style

Champagne Guiborat

Just when you sobered up from International Wine Day a couple of days ago, here comes International Chardonnay Day! One of the things I love most about Chardonnay is the many expressions the grape can exhibit depending on the area the grape was grown (the soil), the gr0wing conditions (the weather), and, of course, the skillful hands of […]

Champagne Valentin Leflaive Rosé review

“It was a meeting of the minds that was bound to produce something extraordinary: a friendship between two hedonists, two men steeped in the Art of Wine making, two men with a profound attachment to their vineyards. Between them, they created Champagne Valentin Leflaive.” After an introduction like that, do I really even need to […]

Âme Restaurant Dallas: French “Soul” Meets Chic Indian Cuisine

FACT: I had THE best Indian food and meal of my life at a small, family-owned restaurant in London, England in 2004. FACT: part of that meal included a ceramic pot of tandoori fish curry that was so incredible that my brother and I STILL wax poetically about it to this day. FACT: I think I […]

Bubbleista Effervescent Education: The Art of Pairing Champagne and Foods

Photo of 3 bottles of champagne with books

Hey bubbly lovers, it’s time to dive into another lesson from the Bubbleista’s  Effervescent Education series! For today’s #ChampagneTedTalk we going to have a mini lesson with tips on how to *best* pair champagne with food! You ready? Let’s go! I’m sure you guys have heard this pairing advice before: “Champagne goes with everything!“ While […]

Mimosa Cranberry Sauce

It takes real skill, ingenuity, and passion to fully and consistently commit to living the champagne lifestyle. Luckily for you, I’m a genius at doing it (ha). That very fact is exactly how I ended up creating the recipe for the Thanksgiving condiment you never knew you needed: fresh, fancy cranberry sauce gussied up with sparkling wine. Behold […]

Five for Ten: 5 Tasty Sparkling Roses for $10.00 to Celebrate National Rosé Day

It’s National Rosé Day! Honestly though, it might as well be called “Rosé Day 365” because the meteoric rise in rosé’s popularity over the last several years has made it widely “acceptable” for year-round drinking. I placed an emphasis on the word acceptable because, as a “dance to the beat of my own drum” kind of girl, […]

It’s National Moscato Day! 4 Tips to Level Up Your Moscato Game (Plus Some Recommendations!)

So, my blog post this exact time last week was about a wine holiday, therefore it should come as no surprise that I’m back with “another one {*said in DJ Khaled voice}:” May 9th is “National Moscato Day!” Moscato is a wine that most folks seem to either love or hate without much leeway in […]