It’s National Sauvignon Blanc Day!

WOW, y’all–I hadn’t realized how long it’s been since I’ve posted on my blog! Thank for hanging in there with me though because, trust me. I’m doing A. TON. of things behind the scenes right now both on the lawyer front {you do still remember that I’m a trademarks, branding, and business attorney for entrepreneurs, […]

What’s Poppin’ In 2017: Expect Bubbleista Land Fun In The New Year

What’s poppin’, my bubbly lovers! Welcome to 2017! Whether your 2016 was glorious or, well, less than so, there’s one undeniable fact: you made it through to see a new year. In addition to a brand new 365 days, guess what else there is to celebrate? It’s my 2-year BLOG-A-VERSARY! That’s right, on January 5, 2014, […]

Wine Wednesday: Ask the Bubbleista!

I get questions about champagne all the time–in my inbox; via social media; over text message; and even in person. It happens all. the. time. “How do I open a bottle of bubbly without spraying champers everywhere?” “Isn’t all champagne the same?” “What kind of bubbly is the best for making mimosas?” “How do I […]