What In The World Is The Bubbleista Drinking (#WITWITBD): “La Palomimosa”

As a champagne loving kind of girl, it should go without saying that I do loves me the quintessential bubbly brunch cocktail known as the mimosa. Although I really do dig them, this girl is also quite staunchly anti-status quo which means I’m also always looking for ways to switch and mix things up to […]

Bubbleista Champagne Pop-Up: Stop & Smell the Rosés

After spending well over a year talking about it, I finally decided to BE ABOUT IT! I launched The Bubbleista website in January of 2015 thinking it would just be a fun source of inspiration, aspiration, and an outlet for me to talk about one of my “most favorite-est” things in the world: champagne {check […]

What in the World is The Bubbleista Drinking: “Sang et Fleurs” (Blood & Roses) Champagne Cocktail

If you follow me on Instagram you’ve probably seen my What in the World is The Bubbleista Drinking?!” {#WITWITBD} microblogging posts detailing the deliciousness that I’ve discovered (and am imbibing) while out and about at bars ad restaurants that I think you, my beloved bubbly-loving darlings, will adore sipping as well. Well, you know, I […]

What’s Poppin’ In 2017: Expect Bubbleista Land Fun In The New Year

What’s poppin’, my bubbly lovers! Welcome to 2017! Whether your 2016 was glorious or, well, less than so, there’s one undeniable fact: you made it through to see a new year. In addition to a brand new 365 days, guess what else there is to celebrate? It’s my 2-year BLOG-A-VERSARY! That’s right, on January 5, 2014, […]