What’s Poppin’ In 2017: Expect Bubbleista Land Fun In The New Year


What’s poppin’, my bubbly lovers! Welcome to 2017! Whether your 2016 was glorious or, well, less than so, there’s one undeniable fact: you made it through to see a new year. In addition to a brand new 365 days, guess what else there is to celebrate? It’s my 2-year BLOG-A-VERSARY! That’s right, on January 5, 2014,…

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Throwback/Flashback: That Time The Bubbleista was a Finalist in Beringer Wines “Great Steak Challenge” Cooking Competition

Beringer 5 (Davon putting steak grill)

I know what you’re thinking: “What? The Bubbleista…cooks?” Yes darlings, it’s true–this girl can really rock it in the kitchen. You didn’t think all I did was sip bubbly, did you? {wink} Here’s a bit of the backstory: my mother taught me how to cook, and I loved it right from the start. I had…

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