It’s National Moscato Day! 4 Tips to Level Up Your Moscato Game (Plus Some Recommendations!)

So, my blog post this exact time last week was about a wine holiday, therefore it should come as no surprise that I’m back with “another one {*said in DJ Khaled voice}:” May 9th is “National Moscato Day!” Moscato is a wine that most folks seem to either love or hate without much leeway in […]

Fizz Friday Finds: Bera Moscato d’Asti

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I have not really been a big Moscato fan. Yes, I know it’s popular right now. Yes, I know a lot of people drink it. Yes, I know a lot of wineries make it. But I’ve never been one to jump on a trend just because […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “F” is for “Frizzante”

One of the reasons that I wanted to do Wine Wednesday Wordologie is because terminology in the wine industry can really get a little bit confusing sometimes. The more education you have, the better choices are that you can make about what you enjoy drinking. After all, this whole site is dedicated to enjoying life more especially […]