Wine Wednesday: “V” is for “Vertical Tasting”

Welcome to what might be that last Wine Wednesday Wordologie posts {at least for 2015…maybe…}, my dears! If you read my “Hello December” post from a couple of weeks ago you know that things are in a bit of intentional transition here on the blog for the next few weeks, so the routine is definitely not […]

Hello December!

Only 31 days left, my dears–31 days!–in 2015. I know that many people wait until January to change things up, but I’ve never been one to do things the typical way. For me, December is my coveted month for making plans and putting new actions and plans into play. This way I can roll into the New Year […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “V” is for “Vintage”

Have you ever looked at a champagne label, seen the word “vintage,” and thought to yourself “Why in the world would I want to drink wine that was 20 or 25 years old?” Couture lovers know that the typical rule is that clothing is considered vintage once it hits the 25-year mark. But we’re talking […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “T” is for “Transversage”

Happy #WineWednesday, darlings! I’m finally recovering and getting back into the blogging swing after having a gloooorious holiday in Los Angeles to attend the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic {recap coming soon} and galavanting around the city of angels. Now that I’m back in Bubbleista work mode, let’s jump into today’s Wordologie lesson! If you’ve been […]

Word Wednesday Wordologie: “S” is for “Saignée”

Today’s Wine Wednesday Wordologie is a term that pertains to rosé sparkling wine and champagnes {as well as still wines} with regards to production methods–and on a side note I must say there’s a bit of a battle about said production methods, and which one produces a superior product. In any case, let’s get right into today’s […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “S” is for “Sabrage”

“Champagne! In victory one deserves it; in defeat one needs it.” At least that’s the philosophy that Napoleon Bonaparte subscribed to. And, as someone who feels that “anytime is the right  time for champagne time,” it’s a philosophy that I can certainly get with as well. Known for his flair for the dramatic, Napoleon is also known […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “P” is for “Prosecco”

Just coming off of taking my WSET Level 2 course my mind is absolutely buzzing with information. In fact, even though the exam is over and done with, my mind is still is info-processing mode, so random facts and questions are still randomly popping into my mind. Hopefully writing today’s Wine Wednesday Wordologie will serve […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “P” is for “Prise de Mousse”

First you tear of the metallic foil. Then you loosen the cage and ever so gingerly loosen the cork until it gently pops out. Your pour yourself a glass and bring the flute towards your mouth. The effervescence pleasantly tickles your nose a bit. The glass comes to your lips and you take a sip of […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “O” is for “Oenothèque”

I have a confession to make: this week’s Word Wednesday Wordologie vocabulary term of effervescence was chosen solely because it’s just such a fun word. A fun, French word. So put on your beret; sweetly purse your lips; and let’s say this week’s word with our worst best French accent: Oenothèque {click here to learn how to say […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “N” is for “Nose”

We’ve all read a wine review or overheard someone talking about wine at one point or another where the  “nose” of the wine was mentioned. If you’re wondering if the “nose” of a wine is a real thing or just some pretentious, “wine snob-esque” lingo of little importance, I say this: The nose knows. At […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “M” is for “Mousse”

If you’re like me then one of the things you love most about champagne is its bubbles, which will make today’s Wine Wednesday Wordologie right up your alley. “Mousse” is a tasting term that speaks to the frothiness or  how fizzy a sparkling wine seems in the mouth. It’s that delightfully creamy sensation on the […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “L” is for “Length”

When drinking wine–especially at a wine tasting–we’re sometimes faced with {what can seem like} indecipherable wine lingo. While I admit that some people can occasionally get a little pretentious with it, the real purpose of wine terminology is ultimately to help the drinker figure out why they do or don’t like a wine–it helps discover preferences. […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “J” is for “Jetting”

  Okay, first things first: today’s “Term of Effervescence” is NOT about getting on an airplane and jaunting all over the world–although, admittedly, jetting across the globe often involves sipping champagne–but rather pertains to a technological process used in creating champagne. So let’s chat briefly about “jetting.” I got super intrigued by this technique because […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “F” is for “Frizzante”

One of the reasons that I wanted to do Wine Wednesday Wordologie is because terminology in the wine industry can really get a little bit confusing sometimes. The more education you have, the better choices are that you can make about what you enjoy drinking. After all, this whole site is dedicated to enjoying life more especially […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “C” is for “Crémant”

Welcome to #WineWednesday Wordologie, my dears! If you’ve been keeping up with the site {well you have been visiting regularly, haven’t you?!} you already know I introduced this new series a couple of weeks ago in an effort to help us all get more comfortable in our champagne knowledge by increasing our effervescent vocabulary. If you need […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “Balthazar”

It’s #WineWednesday, and that means it’s time for another #Wordologie post! This is a new series that I introduced for the 1st time last week and, if preliminary feedback is any indication, it seems as though people really love it because it helps decrease the intimidation factor that champagne is often associated with. If this […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie

One of the things I absolutely L-O-V-E to do is to expose more people to the pleasures of sipping champagne and sparkling wine. That’s why I often go into detail when I’m doing my tasting reviews–I want bubbly lovers to be more comfortable with, and confident about drinking champagne anytime; not just for special occasions. The more […]