Hello December!

Hello December (bigger)

Only 31 days left, my dears–31 days!–in 2015. I know that many people wait until January to change things up, but I’ve never been one to do things the typical way. For me, December is my coveted month for making plans and putting new actions and plans into play. This way I can roll into the New Year with the momentum I’ve already been building.

As such, it should come as no surprise that I’ll be mixing things up on the blog a bit this month. I’ll be posting all sorts of things, both old and new, to experiment with the direction{s} I want to take the blog in for 2016. I’m actually really excited about what’s in store for next year, so no reason to wait to get the ball rolling, right? Exactly.

Here’s how December is going to look around the blog and what you can expect:


Ultimate Champs Gift Guide header only

I’ve been working so very hard my darlings, and I’ve come up with what I think is a beautifully curated list of gifts to buy that will please one of the most discriminating individuals on your gift lift: the champagne lover! The list comes out on this Fizz Friday, December 4th. Please be sure to share the gift guide on line so that your fellow bubbly lovers around the globe will have something that delights under the tree this year!


Holiday home scene (cropped)

I’m always so inspired by the holiday season. As far as I’m concerned it’s a time for family, friends, fun, and fizz! Be on the lookout for for 1 or 2 entertaining-centered post that are sure to give you some great ideas and inspiration for hosting your fabulous holiday fêtes.


Champagne Tasting

For the remaining Fizz Fridays this month you can expect 1 links round up, plus I’ll be trying something new as well. December is a HUGE month for champagne and sparkling wine tasting events  and every year it’s not uncommon for me to try 75(+) types/brands/varieties of sparklers. Hey, they don’t call it “the most wonderful time of the year” for nothing

Rather than doing full Fizz Friday posts, I’m going instead do some micro-blogging on Instagram where I can much more easily give you champagne tasting recaps and a lot more recommendations than I could writing my weekly posts. To get the fizzy 411 though, you have to follow me on Instagram. What are you waiting for–hop to it!


"Decisions, decisions..." A veritable plethora of wine at your fingertips at W.I.N.O.

“Decisions, decisions…” A veritable plethora of wine at your fingertips at W.I.N.O.

There will be only 1, maybe 2, #WineWednesday Wordologie posts for the remainder of the year {after all, we ARE at the end of the alphabet}, so you can expect instead to see some recommendations on delicious wines you should pick up for serving at your holiday table.

Speaking of #WineWednesday Wordologie, if that’s a series you’d like for me to continue in 2016, leave me a comment or hit me up on social media. I aim to give the people what they want!


{image courtesy of Upscale Living magazine}

{image courtesy of Upscale Living magazine}

Over the course of the year there were a couple of events or activities here or there that I participated in where I’d planned on, or alluded to, writing a recap but juuusssttt didn’t quite get around to doing. Well, you can expect to see those pop up this month! After all, I’d never leave you hanging, my dears.

December is upon us…let’s make it count!


  1. […] Wine Wednesday Wordologie posts {at least for 2015…maybe…}, my dears! If you read my “Hello December” post from a couple of weeks ago you know that things are in a bit of intentional transition here on the […]

  2. […] to attend one of the two Veuve Clicquot Polo Classics the Champagne House hosts each year and, as promised, here is the lovely recap. Read on to get the skinny on the event […]