Fab Four for Fizzy Friday: The Best Champagne-centric Links for September 2016

Welcome to the latest edition of Fab Four for Friday where I give you the best and most interesting tidbits of news and inspiration from the world of champagne and sparkling wine! As per usual I have spent the last few weeks scouring the *internets* to provide you with awesome links perfect for your weekend reading, […]

Wine Wednesday: “V” is for “Vertical Tasting”

Welcome to what might be that last Wine Wednesday Wordologie posts {at least for 2015…maybe…}, my dears! If you read my “Hello December” post from a couple of weeks ago you know that things are in a bit of intentional transition here on the blog for the next few weeks, so the routine is definitely not […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “Balthazar”

It’s #WineWednesday, and that means it’s time for another #Wordologie post! This is a new series that I introduced for the 1st time last week and, if preliminary feedback is any indication, it seems as though people really love it because it helps decrease the intimidation factor that champagne is often associated with. If this […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie

One of the things I absolutely L-O-V-E to do is to expose more people to the pleasures of sipping champagne and sparkling wine. That’s why I often go into detail when I’m doing my tasting reviews–I want bubbly lovers to be more comfortable with, and confident about drinking champagne anytime; not just for special occasions. The more […]