A Bubbleista Champagne Pop-Up: “Champagne & Crustaceans”

  Okay, raise your hand if you have ever been intimidated by wine…? Yep, I’m sure almost all of you reading this have been! I mean, at one point or another most of us have found ourselves staring at a wine list; at a dinner party or event with several courses paired with several different wines; or […]

I’m Seeing Red! Amazing Sparkling Red Wines

Cantina della Volta Lambrusco

As the self-dubbed “Champagne Evangelist” it is no surprise that I absolutely love, love, LOVE champagne, but the real deal is that I am crazy about almost anything that’s effervescent. Yep, if it’s got bubbles, then 9 times out of 10 I’m ’bout it–or at least down to try it! Because of that I’m always on a […]

Food & Wine Fabulousness: The Austin Food and Wine Fest

Sooo, am I the only asking if it’s spring yet? We’re barely approaching the halfway mark of February and I’m over this winter weather. I was born a cold-natured person, so winter weather is never my friend. I’m ready to be done with boots, wool scarves, gloves, and wearing a coat on top of a jacket […]

Effervescent Travels: Gundlach Bundschu Winery

Hello again wine + travel lovers! My last Effervescent Travels post gave you an insider’s look at, and a review of the wines of, Altra Winery during my trip to Sonoma and Napa last spring and, as promised, I’m back for another edition of “Effervescent Travels” detailing more of my wine country adventures. This time I’m […]

Stop and Smell the Rosés! The Bubbleista’s Rosé picks of the Season, PART 1

The weather has gotten warmer… The sun is making regular appearances… Sleeves–and hemlines–are getting shorter… Thoughts are irresistibly turning to sitting pool and ocean-side… Yep, it’s officially rosé season! I attended my 1st {of many!} rosé wine tasting of the season recently and came across some real gems! I’m always delighted by the fact that there are always […]

Fizz Friday Finds: Bera Moscato d’Asti

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I have not really been a big Moscato fan. Yes, I know it’s popular right now. Yes, I know a lot of people drink it. Yes, I know a lot of wineries make it. But I’ve never been one to jump on a trend just because […]

Wine Wednesday: My Wine & Spirits Education Trust {WSET} Wine Ed Expedition

Hello there, my dears–time for another edition of Word Wednesday! I’m pushing pause on #Wordologie for just a moment {no worries; it WILL be back!} to share with you what I have been up to in my little wine world lately. It’s no secret that I have a passion for wine. And when you’re serious and/or passionate […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “L” is for “Length”

When drinking wine–especially at a wine tasting–we’re sometimes faced with {what can seem like} indecipherable wine lingo. While I admit that some people can occasionally get a little pretentious with it, the real purpose of wine terminology is ultimately to help the drinker figure out why they do or don’t like a wine–it helps discover preferences. […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “H” is for “Horizontal Tasting”

It’s time to get “fizzical” with today’s effervescent Wine Wednesday Wordologie vocabulary lesson. Class is now in session! This week we’re talking wine tasting–a specific king of tasting called a “horizontal tasting.” Why should you know about {and certainly participate in!} a horizontal wine tasting? You always ask the most wonderful questions! A horizontal tasting […]

Fizz Friday: Hip Hip Vouvray!

One of the things I love most about going to wine tastings {in addition to the generous sipping opportunities, of course} is discovering a unique brand or bottle that I may not have discovered anytime soon on my own. Such was the case when I attended the “Summer Sparkling Wine: Alternatives to Champagne” event at a local […]

Fizz Friday: Let’s “Hava” Little Cava

It’s Friday, and that means time to talk fizz! In this week’s #WineWednesday #Wordologie I wrote about the lovely Spanish sparkling wine made in the traditional champagne method style, cava. So now that Wordologie has taught you all about this type of bubbly, let’s get down to the nitty gritty of what #FizzFriday is about and […]

Wine Wednesday Wordologie: “C” is {also} for “Cava”

It’s Wednesday, and that means time for another #WineWednesday Wordologie, my dears! Last week’s #Wordologie edition found us delving into “C” vocab territory and, as I mentioned then, I decided we’d hang out with this letter for just a bit longer, hence the inclusion of “also” in my lovely little title. We’ve been at this […]

Break Out of That Wine Rut! 3 Out of the Ordinary picks for Spring & Summer Sipping {Plus it’s #40Wines40Days #WineWednesday!}

It’s so easy to fall into a routine isn’t it? Get up at the same time everyday…travel the same route to and fro…go to the same lunch spot for pot roast Tuesdays…yep, we get real nice and comfy in familiarity. We wine lovers can get into a rut, too. We find a few bottles that we really like and […]

40 Wines 40 Days Recap 3: Racy & Refined Reds

The last #40Wines40Days post covered the wild & wondrous white wines I tasted from South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia, so now it’s time to recap the racy & refined reds that I got to sip at the tasting. Before we get to the tasting though, how about we start off with a little “Effervescent Education” first? […]

40 Wines 40 Days Recap 2: Wild & Wondrous Whites

After a little hiatus, I’m back with another #40Wines40Days recap! Now, I’m fully aware of the fact that today is not the normal #WineWednesday recap day, but for the last couple of weeks I was working  furiously on creating an EPIC post on “How to Host the Ultimate Empire Viewing Party.” If you don’t know what […]