Bubbleista Effervescent Education: The Art of Pairing Champagne and Foods

Photo of 3 bottles of champagne with books

Hey bubbly lovers, it’s time to dive into another lesson from the Bubbleista’s  Effervescent Education series! For today’s #ChampagneTedTalk we going to have a mini lesson with tips on how to *best* pair champagne with food! You ready? Let’s go! I’m sure you guys have heard this pairing advice before: “Champagne goes with everything!“ While […]

A Bubbleista Champagne Pop-Up: “Champagne & Crustaceans”

  Okay, raise your hand if you have ever been intimidated by wine…? Yep, I’m sure almost all of you reading this have been! I mean, at one point or another most of us have found ourselves staring at a wine list; at a dinner party or event with several courses paired with several different wines; or […]