Fizzy Friday Fab Four Links Round-up: July Champagne & Food News Edition

Is it just me, or does the intensity to eat and drink well intensify during the summer? I chalk it up to the fact that people are generally feeling more social and convivial during the warmer months. After all, with all of the hanging out pool side; summer holidays; picnics; celebrations; and gatherings, food and […]


*Original article written by Davon D. E. Hatchett {that’s me!} published on prior to the release of #LEMONADE. Blavity is a community of the best multi-cultural creators and influencers in the world.*   Who needs an MBA from B-School when you can get an education from “Bey-School” instead? In case you haven’t fully grasped the […]

Maverick Monday: The 7 Secret Business Lessons from Beyoncé’s Formation Video

*Today’s Maverick Monday post is being brought to you by my alter ego, the Principal Attorney of “Creative Counselor at Law,” a Boutique Trademarks law, Branding, and Business law firm for creative entrepreneurs and business visionaries. Yep, The Bubbleista is also a lawyer.* Unless you live in a cave in the Antarctic; have sequestered yourself […]

Lessons in Life: Changing Your Mind Can Change Everything

Beyonce’s oft quoted lyric “I woke up like this” took on new meaning for me when I woke up one morning recently in a very unhappy, discontented mood. This wasn’t a superficial pity party over something insignificant. No, this was one of those moments that a situation involving something deeply important, personal, and meaningful in my life wasn’t going at all the way my […]