Effervescent Musings: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

 **For the month of January I’ll be re-publishing some of my most popular posts from 2015 to celebrate my 1-year blogaversary. Enjoy this Monday Motivation repost!* Beyonce’s oft quoted lyric “I woke up like this” took on new meaning for me when I woke up one morning recently in a very unhappy, disgruntled, discontented mood. Nope, this […]

Lessons in Life: Changing Your Mind Can Change Everything

Beyonce’s oft quoted lyric “I woke up like this” took on new meaning for me when I woke up one morning recently in a very unhappy, discontented mood. This wasn’t a superficial pity party over something insignificant. No, this was one of those moments that a situation involving something deeply important, personal, and meaningful in my life wasn’t going at all the way my […]