Babies, Breezes, Birthdays, and (Glorious) Bites: What A Fabulous September


September is one of the best months of the year in my {un}humble opinion. It’s still technically summer, but the weather has cooled a bit. The flow of energy shifts a little to a less hectic pace as things wind down. And with the impending changing of the season, the atmosphere itself just seems to usher in a time of change, transition, and renewal in life.

Yep, September has always been one of my favorite months, but this September has been exceptionally fabulous. In fact, I’m truly grateful for how happily eventful it has been, and will continue to be.

So why am I waxing so poetically about this month you ask? Why I’d be happy to share with you the reasons why it’s been so marvelous for me, loves:


Vintage picture of my mommy and a tiny, adorable, precious, 2 week-old me. Guess I was the “Milkalista then. {wink}

There’s a new little one scheduled to be born into our family this month. There are only girl grandchildren in our family, so there is much fuss and fanfare about this birth because of it being a little boy.

I. am. so. EXCITED!!

Nothing brings more hope, joy, and feelings of positivity than the birth of a baby. Babies represent innocence, love, warm feelings and new beginnings. I’m consciously taking that energy with me through the rest of September, and right into the fall.



Manyy morning coffees and evening cocktails are enjoyed in this gazebo

The weather has been absolutely glorious the last several days–lightly breezy days in the mid-to-upper 70s with very little rain and humidity–which has made being outside a pure pleasure.

I’ve been taking advantage of it all by making it a point to dining alfresco more; going outside to read; enjoying morning coffee and evening cocktails in the gazebo; and finding any excuse to get out and bask in the lovely weather, even if it’s only for a moment.

I’m getting in as much as I can because I know that soon enough that the wilds of winter will be upon me and making me wish for these days.

Sometimes life really is about the little things, yes?



In case you weren’t already aware, #ItsVirgoSeason, darling…

If you are reading this post on the day it was published then know I am out somewhere VIGOROUSLY commemorating my world debut!

Born on September 16th, I am purely, completely, totally, and vivaciously a Virgo through and through, so trust me when I say I embrace and celebrate it to the fullest…perfectly, of course. After all, it’s the Virgo way {wink}.

Happy Birthday to ME.

Speaking of which, wondering what I am up to for my birthday? Then check me out on Instagram for both pictures and my behind-the-scenes Instagram Stories. Remember though, you can only see my Instagram Stories if you’re following me! So click on the link, hit follow, and discover how I (and how you can too!) #LiveEffervescently.



Sooo…remember my #TBT post back in July about being selected as a semi-finalist in an awesome coking contest?

Well…I’m baaaacccckkk!

Yes, loves! I just found out last week that I’ve been selected as a semi-finalist for the Gloria Ferrer “Glorious Bites” contest! At the end of the month I will be one of 6 semi-finalist competing live in Austin, Texas in front of judges and guests, preparing an appetizer recipe that I believe pairs PERFECTLY with wonderful Gloria Ferrer Sonoma Brut.


If you been hanging out with me here on the blog for any length of time then you know that Gloria Ferrer is one of my bubbly staples (see for yourself here, here, here, and then there’s here too), so I am so thoroughly honored and excited to have my recipe be selected by a winery that I love and admire.

And guess what? Gloria Ferrer is allowing the public to attend the competition, so you can be there to cheer me on! If you’re in the Austin area grab your tickets right here to see me and the other contestants in action, and sip some bubbly while you’re at it. The video below will give you a sneak peek at what’s in store at the event:

See? I told you this month has been spectacular! And to think, with all this September fabulousness that’s already occurred, there’s still 1/2 of the month left to go! I anticipate in faith that there is still lots more goodness in store in this month that’s yet to come–and may it be so for you too, darlings!

Cheers to the babies, breezes, birthdays, and bites; and cheers to wonderful September!


  1. […] you’ve been keeping up with me the last couple of weeks the you know I was selected as one of six regional semi-finalist for the Gloria Ferrer Winery […]