The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Holiday Gift Guide: Volume V

In typing this title for this year’s annual post it just hit me: I’ve been doing “The Ultimate Gift Guide for Champagne Lovers” for 5 years…FIVE. WHOLE. YEARS! For the last 5 consecutive years, I have searched high and low to find twelve (in a nod to the 12 Days of Christmas) exciting, exquisite, enchantingly effervescent champagne-oriented […]

Motivation Monday: “H” is for Hustle (But It’s Not What You Think)

You know you’ve heard all these phrases before: “Everyday I’m hustlin’!” “I’ll sleep when I’m dead!” “Grind harder!” “Life is 90% hustle, 10% sleep!” Sorry, but I’m not buying into a single bit of any of that. Don’t get me wrong, I completely subscribe to the ethics and value of working really hard; making sacrifices; blood, sweat, […]

Motivation Monday: You’re Being Childish

In the hustle and bustle of our goal-achieving; task completing; objective accomplishing; success-obtaining lives, far too frequently we forget to take a moment to just live. We fail to notice that brilliant sunrise that’s dancing across the sky because we’re too busy complaining about having to wake up so early or we’re too singularly focused on […]