The Ultimate Champagne Lovers Holiday Gift Guide Volume IV

Happy Holidays to my #BubbleistaChampagneSquad and bubbly lovers around the world! It’s December, so you know what time it is: time for my annual ultimate gift guide for champagne lovers! Every year I choose 12 fantastic gifts–a nod to the Twelve Days of Christmas– and create the ultimate gift guide for those of us who are […]

Fizz Friday: Fab Four Roundup

It’s “Fri-Yay,” my dears! With Thanksgiving being literally right around the corner, this week’s Fizz Friday fabulousness is perfect for gearing you up for celebrating the holidays in effervescent style. Let’s get on with it, shall we? {1} ‘TIS THE SEASON TO BE SIPPING Can you believe that Thanksgiving is next week? Even though it snuck […]