Maverick Monday: “The Roaming Chef” Dawn Sloan

Chef Dawn Sloan (cropped)

What do you do when you’re about to turn 40 years old and you feel deeply in your heart that you need to shift gears in order to find and fulfill your purpose? If you’re Dawn Sloan you: put on your “grown woman undies;” quit your job; enroll in culinary school; graduate at the top…

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Maverick Mondays–A New Blog Series

Mondays are for Mavericks

Welcome to a new week, my dears! As you know, Monday’s around the blog typically mean a big dose of motivation and inspiration designed to encourage you towards your goals and help you get through the week. I decided I wanted to kick the inspo levels up a notch, so I created a new series…

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Motivation Monday: Try a Little Gratefulness

gratitude heart

Hello, my bubbly loving darlings. I’m writing this post immediately after the Kehinde Wiley brunch I told you about that I co-hosted with Afro Bohemian Snob {full recap coming soon} and I am EX. HAUS. TED. My head is pounding; my feet ache; my eyes are burning; my brain is worn out; I’m sleepy; and on top of…

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Motivation Monday Special Edition: It’s Up to You & Me

Let me take a sip of this latte before I break open this journal and start chatting with Belle.

Just like many of you, at some point or the other I’m in various stages of pursuing my vision and goals in life, and because of that you can consistently find me doing 2 things: (1) journaling/writing {especially my ideas}; (2) learning/getting my knowledge up about the industries I want to make an impact in. That journaling…

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Motivation Monday: “B” is for Business

{image courtesy of}

Today’s Monday Motivation is being brought to you by the letter “B!” This post du jour was written with a focus on business but, in true Bubbleista style, the topics covered are written in the “not-your-average-ordinary” style. Today we’re gonna talk about the right kind of “business dealings”–the one we should all be creating in our daily lives. So expect a…

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Motivation Monday: Improve Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Life

Mot Mon Vagary def (2)

I loved English class as a girl, especially vocabulary lessons. I became enthralled with discovering the meaning of words and how putting those words together could forge expressive, powerful, and creative thoughts and concepts. No matter how expansive our vocabularies are though, we’ve all had a moment where we’ve wanted to express a thought, feeling, or…

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Motivation Monday: All You Have to Do Is Say Yes

The 3 Cs in life

When it comes to undertaking a new project; doing something we’ve never done before; or taking the opportunity to be in the spotlight, many of us back away  like a crawfish in Louisiana trying to refuse an invitation to a boil. And we have a litany of excuses for backing away too. “I don’t know how to…

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Motivation Monday: Dare to Pursue Your Dream…No Negative Nancys Allowed

Ignore Accordingly meme

**Welcome to “Motivation Monday” where you can get little bits of inspiration for everyday life…sometimes serious, sometime funny, but always “effervescent!”** I wrote a freelance article for a publication a few weeks ago on a relatively innocuous subject. The subject matter wasn’t anything controversial, political, or the type of subject matter that incites intense emotional…

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