Hello, my bubbly loving darlings. I’m writing this post immediately after the Kehinde Wiley brunch I told you about that I co-hosted with Afro Bohemian Snob {full recap coming soon} and I am EX. HAUS. TED. My head is pounding; my feet ache; my eyes are burning; my brain is worn out; I’m sleepy; and on top of…
Monday Mea Culpa…Well, Sort Of
Soooo…you may have noticed that the posts on the site have been a bit, well, “skimpy” for the last few weeks. A post here…another there…no real sense of normal regularity. In fact, I’m sure some of you have recently come to the site for your regular, weekly, scheduled dose of “fab fizziness” only to end up thinking “Hey…what’s…
Motivation Monday: “E” is for “Endgame”
Motivation Monday: “B” is for Business
Today’s Monday Motivation is being brought to you by the letter “B!” This post du jour was written with a focus on business but, in true Bubbleista style, the topics covered are written in the “not-your-average-ordinary” style. Today we’re gonna talk about the right kind of “business dealings”–the one we should all be creating in our daily lives. So expect a…
Motivation Monday: “A” is for “Authenticity”–The 3 Rules for Being Uniquely You
**Today is the launch of my A-to-Z Monday Motivation series. Join me weekly as I travel through the alphabet with inspirational, introspective & insightful (and sometimes funny) motivational posts** I have been taking a spectacular business boot camp the last couple of weeks {thanks Tara Gentile and Creative Live!}, and not only has it been an invaluable wealth…
Motivation Monday: Improve Your Vocabulary, Improve Your Life
I loved English class as a girl, especially vocabulary lessons. I became enthralled with discovering the meaning of words and how putting those words together could forge expressive, powerful, and creative thoughts and concepts. No matter how expansive our vocabularies are though, we’ve all had a moment where we’ve wanted to express a thought, feeling, or…