Travel Tuesday: 5 Must Dos In New Orleans

Let me guess: by merely seeing the words “New Orleans” your mind automatically conjured up images of cocktails; colorful beads; music; Bourbon Street; poboys; and gumbo. NOLA is one of my favorites cities in the world and I fall in love with it a little bit more each time I set foot in the city. In fact, […]

It’s a Food Holiday: National Absinthe Day

Never had absinthe before? With the spirit being dubiously dubbed as “la fée verte,” or the “green fairy,” I’m not exactly surprised. Although absinthe originally rose to fame in New Orleans (Sazerac, anyone?) and was in vogue among the poets and artists of Paris’ café society, it was eventually vilified in the 18th century with unfounded beliefs that it caused hallucinations, […]

Yeah You Rite: Eating, Drinking and Jazzing Your Way Through New Orleans

I just spent 5 full, glorious days in New Orleans…and it was not enough! I’ll be honest though, no matter how many hours, days, or weeks I spend in NOLA, it never seems to be enough time. There’s always one more meal to eat; one more bar to linger in; one more shop to duck into; one more […]

Cocktail Tales: One of The Best Spots in New Orleans to Make Your Drink Dreams Come True

Apolline facade

I have no hesitation in admitting that I am a bit of a cocktail snob. Marachino cherries? I’d prefer Luxardos. Concentrated juice from a plastic lemon? Thanks, but I’ll pass. Weird “cookies and cream” artificially flavored liquor? Uhm, no. Hyped up beverages made by rappers and celebrities? Not in my glass. Although I typically know what I […]

Welcome to The Bubbleista Blog: January sneak peek

Welcome to 2015 and to the launch of The Bubbleista website and blog! I’m glad you’re here. I know we may be just getting to know each other, so here’s something you should know about me from the jump: I am a big fan of the unconventional—a quick look at my manifesto will reveal that. With […]