Welcome to 2015 and to the launch of The Bubbleista website and blog! I’m glad you’re here.
I know we may be just getting to know each other, so here’s something you should know about me from the jump: I am a big fan of the unconventional—a quick look at my manifesto will reveal that. With that in mind, it’s my goal to infuse this blog and website with distinctiveness and I want to kick that off with my very 1st post.
I’ve decided that at the beginning of every month I’m going to do a post about some of the goodness I plan to write about that month, because I love the thought of letting you get in my mind for a minute to get a sneak peak of what kinds of topics and stories you can anticipate.
I don’t think this is something that many, if any, other blogs or websites do, which is precisely why I decided to do it when the idea hit me. I think it might be a unique way to connect you with the “effervescent lifestyle” ideology of the blog, and connecting is so in for 2015.
Now I won’t be listing every topic I plan to write about (after all, a girl has to have some mystery, no?), but the idea is to give you just a taste of what’s in store, and hopefully those topics will be things you’ll be excited about, and look forward to, reading that will entice you to come back here again to check out.
Without further ado, here’s what January holds:
1.) Travel: hello, New Orleans! I’ll be spending 5 glorious days in the city of life and music, so expect a few different posts featuring food, drinks, sights, and experiences. Of course, these won’t be your typical NOLA posts (i.e., as much as I like them, there will be no Cafe du Monde pics!). Instead look for more unique, special and insider-type stories. Oh, and don’t forget to follow and check me out on Twitter (@TheBubbleista) and Instagram (TheBubbleista) to see even more!

View of a New Orleans bridge from the top of another. A bit of artistic existentialism, wouldn’t you say? ©TheBubbleista
2.) Food and drinks: I’m a big fan of food holidays. Chalk it up as a result of growing up in a much food-loving, much celebrating family. I plan to write about at least one popular, weird or obscure food holiday every month. Maybe I’ll discuss the history of the holiday. Perhaps there will be recipe. I might throw in the best places to find the goods. Who knows? It could even be a combination of things. Whatever the case, it’s sure to be fun to read.
3.) Of course this blog wouldn’t be what it is if I didn’t talk about bubbly! This month (and every month) at least one post will focus on champagne and sparkling wine in some manner. Possible topics might include “effervescent education;” suggested wines to try; facts, tips and tidbits; and champagne cocktail recipes.
4.) Entertaining: You know that popular tv show where the main character is a gorgeous, intelligent, well-dressed problem fixer in white with a Presidential predilection and a thirst for red wine? Well there might be a post that talks about hosting a season-premiere watch party for said show. Need entertaining ideas? It’s handled.
Hopefully this little teaser for the month of January whets your appetite to come back for more helpings of blog deliciousness. Is there something you’d love for me to write about? Is there a “must visit” restaurant or destination in New Orleans you think I have to go to? I’d love to hear it! Tell me all about it in the comments below.
Cheers to the New Year!