The Bubbleista Loves: Chic Home Office Design Inspiration

In case you didn’t already know {but how could  you not, my dear?}, The Bubbleista is on a determined mission to achieve Champagne Empire World Domination. Yep, we’re talking entire planet-status here. Oh, and trust me, it’s gonna happen. I’ve been busy plotting, planning, learning, and executing in order to make my champagne wishes and […]

“Fab Four For Friday” #LinkLove Round-up

March is here and all I can think is “hurry up spring!” Like I mentioned in my March sneak peek for the blog, springtime brings about such a wonderful sense of renaissance, renewal, revitalization, and restoration–the sentiment of a fresh start. This spring spirit of renewal always inspires me to switch stuff up {spring cleaning}; to make […]

It’s A Haute House In Here: Interior Design Trends for 2015

It’s no secret that aesthetics are everything to me, so naturally I’m quite into design of all kinds. Every December and January predictions of the incoming and outgoing interior design trends start popping up everywhere, and I absolutely love looking to see what the opinions of the collective design community are. Then I love promptly dissecting […]