Is it just me or does this year already seem to be just zipping by right before our eyes {so fast in fact that I forgot to do an April sneak peek–oopsie!}? I can’t believe it’s already May and we are 5 months into 2015. Regardless of how much time has already passed, the good news is that there is still time for us to do something wonderful with our one and only lives this very day. Today is a great day to take a step towards your passions and move closer to your goals and dreams.
And I’m no hypocrite because I’ve been putting my money where my mouth is! I’m working on some exciting projects that will be coming down the pipeline {more on that soon!}; I’ve been working on making the site grow both in size {welcome new readers!} and content; and I’m imparting new ideas and refocusing on the vision for this site. That said, let’s get to the May sneak peek:
If you’ve perused my site in the last couple of weeks you’ve seen the introduction of ” Wine Wednesday Wordologie” where I give the definition of (and also the history behind) words that are connected to champagne and sparkling wine. I decided to create this series because I think one of the easiest ways to become comfortable with a subject is by learning enough to be able to talk more confidently about it. I’m all about an “effervescent education,” and this series will definitely increase your effervescent vocabulary in a fun way.
I’ll also be introducing another bubbly-centric series this month called “Fizz Friday.” These posts will give my champagne and sparkling wine reviews and tasting notes’ll also be throwing in some of my very own original champagne cocktail recipes for good measure. Both series represent an effort to focus more a bit more on what The Bubbleista is about at the core: bubbly, bubbly, and more bubbly!
I’m also going to delve a little more into what the Bubbleista lifestyle is about. I wrote a post a couple of months ago called “Birth of A Bubbleista” which got a great response, so I thought it would be fun to do some posts that break down just what it means to be a Bubbleista and have an effervescent style of living. Are you up to the task? We’ll begin to find out this month!
I also plan to start weaving in more food, spirits, and entertaining posts as well as the occasional “toe dip” into the waters of fashion and interiors.
I’ll be continuing my {remixed} Motivation Monday series that I tweaked last month by giving it a “from A-to-Z ” slant. The best responses have been from readers who told me that they actually took some sort of action after feeling encouraged by a post. For me that’s the ultimate compliment for something that was meant to motivate. If you’re inspired by one of my #MotivationMonday posts, please let me know–I would absolutely love to hear from you!
So what are you going to do with this month of May? Set a goal (or 3!) and let’s get to it!