I was recently considering attending a workshop for women entrepreneurs and in doing my research on the event {listen, I’m a lawyer–I’m trained do research} I stumbled across a website called Think & GrowChick. Doesn’t the name of the site just make you want to click the link and check it our further? Well I was intrigued enough to want to check it, and I’m really glad I did.
The timing of discovering the site was perfect because I was able to jump in on a challenge that Courtney Sanders {the life & business coach brains behind Think And Grow Chick} and her challenge partner Myleik Teele {Founder & CEO of curlBOX} created called “Over Here Being Disciplined.” It was like a little, tiny diamond-encrusted present escorted by hummingbirds gently floated down from heaven and landed delicately in my lap.
What can I say, I have a flair for the descriptive and dramatic.
Here is why I waxed so poetically about the challenge: for the last several weeks I’ve been dealing with a tremendous case of overwhelm–the kind where you have so many decisions to make and tasks to complete that you feel like you may never dig yourself out so you just want to tap curl up in a little ball and take a nap instead {ha} and you end up not getting a single thing accomplished. If you have, are, or want to build a business–or if you are in pursuit of a vision, passion, or dream–then you probably know exactly the feeling that I’m talking about.
That’s why the challenge was such a timely gift to discover, because the objective of it is to increase your ability to do something very powerful: keep the promises you make to yourself. Just think how much more amazing our lives could be if we concerned ourselves with keeping the promises we made to ourselves just as much as we do the promises we make to others? We either to focused on putting other people first or we’re just too fearful, distracted, or lazy to make ourselves a priority.
Courtney summed it up best with this statement: “Self-discipline is really just an un-sexy word for PERSONAL POWER. Every time you make a commitment [to yourself] then break it, you give some of your personal power away. ”
The Over Here Being Disciplined challenge aims to make a shift. Here are the simple rule of the challenge:
- Choose ONE small task and commit to doing it every day for 5 days in a row, starting today, Monday.
- When you complete your task for the day, take a photo of it and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #OverHereBeingDisciplined. Do this every day, including today, through this Friday (5 days).
The posting it on Instagram creates accountability, and that’s a big part of developing the habit of self-discipline. It’s only Day 2 of the challenge and I promise that I can feel a personal shift. I was actually able to accomplish a task on my to-do list yesterday and I’ll complete a 2nd one today. Better still is that the mindset is spilling over into other areas of my life. For example, it’s been a bit easier the past two days to get up for my workouts and make more conscientious choices about what I’m eating and drinking. Not only am I already looking forward to day 3, but I’m also excited overall about what I’ll accomplish this week. In fact, at the end of the week I’ll post an update with an accounting of all of the tasks I completed this week and what steps I’ll take next to keep the momentum going.
The best part is it’s not too late to join in on the challenge, my dears! Is their something you need to accomplish? Do you need an extra push of motivation to move towards what you are meant to do? Head over to the site and get in on the self-discipline action. I promise that this is one transformation that you’ll be better for making!