I’m so accustomed to being the interviewer–but last week I got the chance to be the interviewee for the blog of one of my Champagne Sisters, Krayl Funch of “An Appealing Plan.”
Knowing that Krayl loves champagne like I do {she authored a lovely book on entertaining of the same name as her blog}, it took me 2 seconds say “yes” when she asked me to part of a blog post on champagne selections + pairing tips that included 9 more ladies who are part of our illustrious sisterhood of the bubbly. Check me out:
This was such a fun interview to do and I loved, loved, loved, the tips from the other ladies as well. Be sure to check out the full post to get all sorts of wonderful ideas and advice on champagne selections, and what foods to them pair it with, that will serve you well for your holiday entertaining.
And definitely be on the look out for more Bubbleista interviews and press in the future–I have some pretty marvelous things up my pretty little sleeve that you will not want to miss, so #StayTuned!