We made it through another week, loves! Time to celebrate by diving right into another edition of link love for Fizz Friday that’s sure to tickle your bubbly fancy:
{1} It seems that popping the cork on that bottle of bubbly just may have more benefits in store for you that you think. Can you say lower diabetes risk and higher sex drive? I thought that might get your attention! Check out the full article for all of the fun facts and details.
{2} If you’ve spent time in hip bars over the past few years you may have heard the saying “the bigger the tip, the bigger the sip.” No? It’s just me? Well in any case, it seems that the “bigger the sip” part may be the way to go when it comes to champagne. Researchers say that unlike red wines where small sips open up their flavors, it appears the opposite is true when it comes to many white grape-based bubbles. Get the full story.
{3} Speaking of taking big sips {or gulps even} of champagne, if that’s what you’re after then boy oh boy, have I got the perfect bubbly drinking glass for you: ladies & gentlemen may I present the “Chambong.” Yes, you read that correctly, and yes, it takes bubbly drinking to a whole ‘nother level.
{4} Darings, there is an actual “New York Champagne Week” that is the equivalent of champagne nirvana for the bubbly obsessed! Here is how the event is described by the publication The New York Examiner:
“Tons of bubbles, bubbly, and champs are on their way to New York City for the 3rd Annual New York ChampagneWeek for a multi-day fete. The week long Champagne lifestyle party celebrates the best the Champagne has to offer. The drinks industry and general bubbly lovin’ public alike will relish in a slew of sparkling events such as Champagne tastings and classes, Champagne and food pairing parties, the wildly popular Champagne Cocktail Competition, the closing Bubble Bash and more.”
If you’re in NYC and make it to any of the events, tag me on Instagram {@thebubbleista} so that I can live vicariously through you! This is only the 3rd year the event has been in existence, but trust me, I WILL not miss this event in 2016! #WillTravelForChampers