Well Hello, September!

Hello September

{*Instagram repost}

Well hello, September. Let’s sparkle and shine!

September is my birthday month, and for me that signifies a rebirth–an opportunity to blow out the candles after making wishes, plans, and dreams for the next 365 days.

So, to kick off and commemorate my birthday month {and the beginning of a new season}, I’ve decided to do a “30 Days Hath September” personal project where I’ll look for, discover, and cultivate 30 things to be grateful, happy, peaceful, and, of course, “effervescent” about all month long.

So look for the hashtag #30DaysHathSeptember on my Instagram feed to see what adventures I have and discoveries I make for the month of September.

New birthday.

New season.

New mindset.

New focus.

New intentions.

New blessings.

New beginnings.

There is one final quarter left in the year. Don’t forget to sparkle and shine, my dears.


  1. […] as I mentioned in my “Hello September” post, a new birthday is a season of renaissance and rebirth, and in that spirit, I have to acknowledge […]