Welcome to 2016, my dears!
There’s been lots of good things being cooked up over here {in addition to the traditional black-eyed peas and green for good luck, of course!} in Bubbleista land for the last several weeks in anticipation of 2016, and I can’t wait to share them with you. I’m not quite ready to serve them up {you see what I did there?} just yet, but in the meantime be on the lookout for a January Sneak Peek coming your way in the next few days to give you just a taste {there’s another one} of the deliciousness {clearly I’m on a roll} in store for you, my effervescent lifestyle-loving darlings!
I’ll be spending quite a bit of January tweaking and creating new things, but don’t you fret because there will be PLENTY here to engage and delight you as only The Bubbleista can {wink}.
So stay tuned, and let’s make 2016 our best year yet!